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Meeting Minutes - August 6, 2024

Writer's picture: South Bay Area MQGSouth Bay Area MQG
  1. Pat introduced one guest:  Marylou

  2. PIQF recap:  several members shared their experiences at PIQF

  3. Laura introduced the design for the MQG Community Quilt and described how to make the blocks.  Strip sets and instructions were available at the meeting for members to take home.  Additional strip sets will be available at Pat’s house.  The blocks are due at the  September meeting or can be dropped off at Pat’s house. A date for assembling the quilt will be announced soon.

  4. Fund raising:  Pat led a discussion about fundraising.  The guild will have a booth at the La Selva beach event in November.  Pat requested that members make items for sale using indigo fabrics.

  5. Volunteers are needed for fundraising.  We also need a program director, demonstrators for meetings, a slack host, and a small group organizer. Sign up sheets were passed around.

  6. Ruth announced that the Santa Cruz county fair is in September, and there is a Harvest of colors quilt  show in Santa Barbara October 5th and 6th.

  7. Potato chip blocks were turned in. Pat announced that the guild will keep track of charity blocks made by each member and there will be a drawing every few months for a prize.

  8. Kathy gave an informative demonstration on quilt facing.  She also shared her quilting paddles.

  9. Susan introduced a new charity quilt block and handed out kits. The block is a square in a square. The instructions are here.

  10. Sew and Tell- Lori shared a quilt made by Anna, and Laura, Marlene, Meredith, Jean, Pam, Leslie, Alicia, and Marylou shared their quilts.

Minutes submitted by Laura Ryle

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