Pat introduced two new members, Judy and Sandy.
Laura announced that the sew day for assembling the Quilt Con community quilt will be on September 19th. Many strips for the quilt were turned in at the meeting.
Lori discussed the La Selva beach fundraiser,scheduled for Nov 16. Lori brought kits to make snap bags, Eileen brought napkin kits, and members can also make other items. Cathy suggested having a donation jar at the booth.There will be sign up’s to help at the booth next month.
We celebrated the SBAMQG 13th anniversary with cake, and a photo was taken of all members who attended.
The Volunteer sign up list was passed around.
The Board elections will be held in November this year.
The November meeting falls on election night. A vote was taken, and the November meeting will be held on October 29.
Ruth announced the current events, including a Santa Clara button show, First Friday at the San Jose Quilt Museum, and workshops held by the museum.
Members turned in a good number of the potato chip blocks. The Charity group meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays from 10:30 - 2:00 at Pat’s house.
Show and tell - Karen, Gene, Judy, Rene, Ruth, and Laura shared quilts.
The Fat quarter drawing was won by Gayne.
Laura Ryle, Secretary