
Quiltcon 2015

unnamed-3Quiltcon 2015 was quite an experience and several of the SBAMQG members were there to represent and to experience it all.  From the first day to the last, there was so much happening and so much to experience at the convention center as well as Austin itself.  Here is a photo-heavy blog post to give you a taste.

unnamed-4Past members as well as present members attended!  Previous Vice-President and secretary Susy Drake and Julia Williams were there with us and it was so good to catch up with them!  Pictured here also are Chelsea Hard, Tina Michalik and Laurel Woodside.





photo-2We took many workshops from many talented teachers including; The Quilters from Gee’s Bend, Lizzy House, Anna Maria Horner, Yoshiko Jinzenji, Carolyn Friendlander just to name a few.  Pictured here is Karen Foster at Rossie Hutchinson’s workshop on improv shapes and reverse appliqué.



unnamed-12Here is a picture that Anne Sullivan took at a workshop that she and Gillian Smith, former founding board member took on Shibori fabric dyeing.

unnamed-9Here is Pat Goulet on the first day of the conference taking Quilting Yoga before the day starts!

unnamed-10It was exciting to see our guild’s contribution to the charity drive that Quiltcon sponsors every year.  I know that I’m incredibly biased, but our quilt really looked amazing there in the lecture hall.  The quilt will return to our guild so that it may be donated to a local children’s shelter.

unnamed-7Renee Tallman’s quilt “Funky Junk” which had shown at the Modern Quilt Guild’s showcase at market.  It was juried into the showcase and then asked to hang at Quiltcon.  Renee’s quilt was also part of Alyssa Haight Carlton’s lecture given on “Use of Negative Space”  I heard several people mention the story behind this quilt and Renee’s long road to creating this quilt.

unnamed-8Anne’s quilt “We Are” hung at Quiltcon and was also part of Alyssa’s negative space lecture.  This quilt is Anne’s piece made for the Amish:The Modern Muse show which hung at the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles.  It’s a hard color to photograph and appears black, but is a deep blue with an incredible green yellow.

unnamed-5 unnamed-6

Pam Rocco had not one, but two quilts hanging at Quiltcon.  Pam’s work often gravitates to a yellow palette and the one on the left is no different.  On the right, is a wonderful improv mosaic composition surrounded by a textured, neutral ground.


Tina’s quilt is a statement piece which reflects a solidarity in marriage equality.  It is improv pieced and stitched in text that reads, “love is love”

Next year, Quiltcon will be held in Pasadena, CA and hopefully even more members of the SBAMQG can attend!






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